我的世界基岩版 1.19.22 发布


  • Fixed a crash that could occur on some devices when loading in worlds with texture packs applied (MCPE-160800)
  • 修复了某些设备上加载应用了纹理包的世界时可能崩溃的问题(MCPE-160800)
  • Fixed a bug where deleting cloud synced worlds on Xbox would not delete the cloud version of the world when the player deleted the world locally
  • 修复了 Xbox 玩家在本地删除具有云同步的世界后,云端世界的对应版本不会被删除的问题
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox that could cause players to see a “storage full” error despite having plenty of storage
  • 修复了 Xbox 玩家即使内存充足也会看到“内存已满”错误的问题


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