我的世界基岩版 1.17.32 发布 修复了游戏中可能出现的一些崩溃


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • 修复了游戏中可能出现的一些崩溃
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating the Marketplace sidebar
  • 修复了浏览市场侧边栏时发生的崩溃
  • Fixed issues with content not loading, even when connected to the internet (MCPE-102994)
  • 修复了即使正常联网时内容也会加载失败的问题 (MCPE-102994)
  • Fixed an issue where light blocks would force players to spawn at the surface of the Overworld
  • 修复了光照方块导致本该生成在地下的玩家在主世界地表生成的问题
  • Fixed the Looting enchantment not being applied when a mob was killed with a projectile (MCPE-141935)
  • 修复了使用弹射物击杀生物时,抢夺附魔不会生效的问题 (MCPE-141935)
  • Fixed issue causing “Couldn’t pack your world file for upload” error when uploading a world to Realms on Nintendo Switch
  • 修复了在NS上向领域上传世界时发生的“无法把世界打包”的问题
  • Fixed some chunks being deleted when reentering a flat world and old world with the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle enabled, as well as other world generation issues (MCPE-140428)
  • 修复了重新进入开启洞穴与山崖实验性玩法的超平坦世界或有限世界时某些区块被删除的问题。另外还修复了一些其他世界生成问题。 (MCPE-140428)


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