我的世界Java版 22w05a 发布 关于恶地群系地貌的改动已经撤回

While we work on some larger changes that aren’t quite ready yet, here’s snapshot 22w05a which contains a small squishing (that’s a word, right?) of bugs.

Happy mining!

Changes in 22w05a

  • A change in 22w03a that re-arranged Badlands biome layouts has been reverted to avoid causing generation changes and chunk borders. This change will be re-introduced later.
  • 22w03a中关于恶地群系地貌的改动已经撤回,来防止地形生成和区块边界的各种问题。这项改动等我们修完还会发出来的。

Fixed bugs in 22w05a
22w05a 修复的漏洞

  • MC-4533 – Water graphical glitch when connecting diagonally
  • MC-4533 – 水的图形效果在遇对角连接时会出现问题
  • MC-70848 – Water looks like it flows up
  • MC-70848 – 水往高处流
  • MC-105317 – Structure blocks do not rotate entities correctly when loading
  • MC-105317 – 结构方块在加载时不能正确旋转实体
  • MC-214289 – Pointed dripstone can replace blocks when generating
  • MC-214289 – 滴水石锥在生成时会将下方的方块替换
  • MC-216004 – Wood pillars from mineshafts are generating on pointed dripstones
  • MC-216004 – 废弃矿井的木柱子会在滴水石锥上生成
  • MC-216589 – Abandoned Mineshafts don’t delete dripstone in certain situations
  • MC-216589 – 废弃矿井有时不删除滴水石
  • MC-232290 – Foxes will lay down in powder snow and not try to escape even when taking damage
  • MC-232290 – 狐狸在细雪中卧倒,即使受到伤害也不会尝试逃离
  • MC-236775 – Biome Selector is disordered in other languages
  • MC-236775 – 群系选择器在其他语言中乱序
  • MC-243152 – Slimes spawn in “Redstone Ready” superflat worlds
  • MC-243152 – “红石俱备”超平坦世界中生成史莱姆
  • MC-245772 – Outdated chests’ loot tables get deleted when updating to 1.18.1
  • MC-245772 – 升级到 1.18.1 后,过期的箱子战利品表被删除
  • MC-245910 – Campfires and hoppers cause constant chunk saving
  • MC-245910 – 营火和漏斗使区块不断地保存
  • MC-247636 – Deleting a world no longer logs that a world is being deleted
  • MC-247636 – 删除世界操作不再会被记录
  • MC-248181 – The player disappears at certain heights
  • MC-248181 – 玩家在某些高度下会消失
  • MC-248189 – Teleporting below level 0 from the overworld to another dimension freezes the game on the loading screen until player dies
  • MC-248189 – 从主世界 0 层以下传送到其他维度会导致游戏冻结在加载屏幕上,直至玩家死亡
  • MC-248195 – Typing /placefeature crashes client when connected to a server
  • MC-248195 – 在连接到服务器时使用 /placefeature 命令会导致客户端崩溃
  • MC-248210 – Harsh chunk borders appear when upgrading to 22w03a
  • MC-248210 – 升级到 22w03a 后出现突兀的区块边界
  • MC-248225 – Incorrect BlockPos getSquaredDistance() calculation
  • MC-248225 – BlockPos getSquaredDistance() 计算错误
  • MC-248230 – Players get stuck on the “Loading terrain…” screen after rejoining the world whilst above or below the build limit
  • MC-248230 – 若玩家在高于或低于建筑高度限制处退出世界,则会在重新进入时停留在“加载地形中…”屏幕


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