我的世界Java版 1.18-pre1 发布 从世界创建菜单中删除了世界类型“洞穴”和“浮岛”

The first 1.18 pre-release is here!

From now on, you should mostly see bugs being fixed. In addition to that, pre-releases don’t follow the regular snapshot cadence of releasing on Wednesdays, so keep an eye out!



That being said, this pre-release introduces biome blending, which means that you should no longer find harsh borders between new and old terrain. On top of that, we’ve also reintroduced the Amplified and Large Biome world types.

Happy mining!

Changes in 1.18 Pre-release 1
1.18 预发布版 1 的修改内容

  • Amplified and Large biome worlds have been adapted to the new terrain and are now once again available in the Create World screen
  • 放大化世界和巨型生物群系世界适应了新的地形,现在它们重新回到了创建世界菜单中
  • Removed world types “Caves” and “Floating islands” from the world creation screen
  • 从世界创建菜单中删除了世界类型“洞穴”和“浮岛”
  • 新旧地形间的过渡不再那么“突兀”了
    • Will surface height blend?Yes
    • 地表高度过渡?有!
    • Will biomes blend?Yes
    • 生物群系过渡?当然!
    • Will caves blend?Your mileage may vary
    • 洞穴系统过渡?这个要视情况而定…

Technical changes in 1.18 Pre-release 1
1.18 预发布版 1 的技术性修改

  • –report option in data generator now creates full worldgen reference files instead of just biomes
  • –report 数据生成器中的选项现在创建完整的worldgen参考文件,而不仅仅是生物群系

Fixed bugs in 1.18 Pre-release 1
1.18 预发布版 1 修复的漏洞

  • MC-46584 – Clicking and dragging MOUSE3 (Mouse wheel) over item slots incorrectly attempts to place full stacks in survival
  • MC-46584 – 生存模式下,在物品栏位上点击并拖拽`MOUSE3`(鼠标滚轮)会错误地尝试放置一整组物品
  • MC-53444 – You can get outside of the worldborder by mounting a rideable entity (boat, pig, etc.) outside of it
  • MC-53444 – 通过坐上可骑乘实体(船、猪等)可以走到世界边界以外
  • MC-54119 – Can place/take water/lava/lilypads outside worldborder and inside spawn protection
  • MC-54119 – 可以在世界边界外以及出生点保护范围内放置或取走水、熔岩和睡莲
  • MC-62550 – Worldborder not correctly initialized for the End and Nether
  • MC-62550 – 下界和末地的世界边界没有正确初始化
  • MC-96535 – Ambient property of potion effects with ShowParticles:0b is not disregarded
  • MC-96535 – ShowParticles:0b的状态效果没有做到忽视其Ambient属性
  • MC-113425 – Player can interact with entities outside the worldborder
  • MC-113425 – 玩家可以与世界边界外的实体互动
  • MC-117800 – Half bed can be placed outside the worldborder
  • MC-117800 – 有半边床可以放置到世界边界外
  • MC-121997 – Every dimension’s world border is operating independently, and doesn’t appear where it actually is
  • MC-121997 – 每一个维度的世界边界是独立运作的,且不在其实际地点出现
  • MC-131808 – Forests don’t spawn trees near the positive edges, but overstretch bounds on the negative edges
  • MC-131808 – 森林不会在靠近正方向一侧的边际生成,却会在负方向一侧过度延伸
  • MC-136523 – Invisible world border in the end dimension
  • MC-136523 – 末地的世界边界不可视
  • MC-187174 – Worldborder does not take nether coordinates into account
  • MC-187174 – 世界边界没有考虑下界坐标缩放
  • MC-206660 – Stalactites don’t fall properly if there are blocks directly below it
  • MC-206660 – 钟乳石在下方一格有方块时无法正确掉落
  • MC-215139 – Some water in caves will not start flowing
  • MC-215139 – 洞穴中的一些水不会立刻流动
  • MC-219035 – Fossil structures can’t generate in far east and south blocks of a chunk
  • MC-219035 – 化石结构无法生成在区块的最东侧和最南侧
  • MC-222388 – Acacia trees under y=0 often grow with bare branches
  • MC-222388 – 在Y=0下的种植的金合欢树经常莫得树叶
  • MC-229013 – Lava lake decorator config is unused
  • MC-229013 – 熔岩湖的装饰器设置未被使用
  • MC-229517 – Conversion sounds for strays & drowned is controlled by Friendly Creatures mixer, not Hostile Creatures
  • MC-229517 – 流浪者和溺尸的转化音效由友好生物混合器控制,而非敌对生物混合器
  • MC-231666 – Dragon egg can teleport to outside the world border
  • MC-231666 – 龙蛋可以传送至世界边界外
  • MC-236610 – Lava lakes generate without stone around
  • MC-236610 – 熔岩湖没有被石头包围
  • MC-236628 – Lava pools cause sand to fall now instead of putting sandstone beneath it
  • MC-236628 – 熔岩池现在会使悬浮的沙子掉落,而不是在沙子下面生成砂岩
  • MC-236652 – Weather can sometimes be incorrect within a biome
  • MC-236652 – 生物群系内部的天气可能不正确
  • MC-236803 – Extremely low amount of pillager spawns in outpost on jagged peaks, groves, snowy slopes & frozen peaks
  • MC-236803 – 在尖峭山峰、树林、雪坡和冰封山峰上的掠夺者前哨站中的掠夺者过少
  • MC-237040 – Falling blocks still sometimes disappear for a moment when landing
  • MC-237040 – 下落的方块在着地时有时仍然会短暂消失
  • MC-237598 – Projectiles glitch around in the air when exiting simulation distance
  • MC-237598 – 超出模拟距离的弹射物在空中表现诡异
  • MC-237621 – Missing biome definitions in some peak grid cells causes unintended ocean placement
  • MC-237621 – 在一些边缘区块中未定义的生物群系会被海洋生物群系代替
  • MC-237791 – Villager spawn eggs used on grove, frozen peaks, snowy slopes and jagged peaks don’t spawn snowy plains villagers
  • MC-237791 – 在雪林、冰封山峰、积雪的山坡和尖峭山峰使用村民刷怪蛋不会生成雪原类型的村民
  • MC-237954 – The “Sound of Music” and “Feels like home” advancements are internally located in the incorrect tab folder
  • MC-237954 – 进度“音乐之声”和“温暖如家”在内部标签文件夹中分类错误
  • MC-238038 – Newly added advancements’ namespace IDs do not match their translation keys
  • MC-238038 – 新加入的进度的命名空间ID与其本地化键名有出入
  • MC-238972 – Deserts generate with little or no sandstone
  • MC-238972 – 沙漠里生成的砂岩很少,甚至没有
  • MC-239714 – Doing /locate desert_pryamid in a desert superflat world freezes the world
  • MC-239714 – 在沙漠超平坦世界中执行 `/locate desert_pryamid` 后,世界似乎被“冻结”
  • MC-239851 – Upgrading old worlds causes leaves to change to surface builder blocks
  • MC-239851 – 升级旧世界的时候,树叶会变成与地面同类的方块
  • MC-239852 – Lava pools intersecting strongholds can cause end portal frames to be deleted
  • MC-239852 – 生成于要塞的熔岩池会导致末地传送门框架缺失
  • MC-240021 – Cullface arguments in cauldrons are excessive
  • MC-240021 – 炼药锅的面剔除(Cullface)参数多余
  • MC-240481 – Deepslate doesn’t generate in the new cave generation under old chunks
  • MC-240481 – 在旧区块中,新的洞穴生成时不会生成深板岩
  • MC-240482 – There is no bedrock in the overworld in old chunks
  • MC-240482 – 在主世界中,由旧世界升级的区块下面没有基岩
  • MC-240495 – Deepslate does not generate below Y=0 in Badlands or Wooded Badlands Biomes
  • MC-240495 – 在恶地和繁茂的恶地中,Y=0以下不生成深板岩
  • MC-240503 – Bedrock doesn`t generate in Badlands or Wooded Badlands
  • MC-240503 – 恶地和繁茂的恶地底层不生成基岩
  • MC-240516 – Noise cave carvers don’t generate below old chunks
  • MC-240516 – 噪声洞穴不在旧世界升级来的区块下方生成
  • MC-240531 – Block simulation distance is always 8 chunks regardless of the slider’s value
  • MC-240531 – 方块模拟距离被锁定在8个区块,滑块调整无效
  • MC-240534 – Clicking a JFR link copies full server-side path to clipboard
  • MC-240534 – 点击JFR链接会复制完整的服务端路径
  • MC-240631 – Extremely slow End terrain generation
  • MC-240631 – 末地的地形生成速度很慢
  • MC-240998 – Portals no longer load chunks as non entity processing
  • MC-240998 – 传送门不再将区块作为无实体项目加载


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