我的世界基岩版 1.19.2 发布


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • 修复了在游戏过程中几个可能会发生的崩溃
  • Fixed a bug on certain flat worlds where below-0 terrain was accidentally being removed on level load, if there was bedrock at y=0 (MCPE-156679, MCPE-156698)
  • 修复了在超平坦世界中如果在y=0处有基岩的话,y轴<0的以下的所有地形会在加载世界时被删除的漏洞 (MCPE-156679MCPE-156698)
  • Mobs that teleport through a Nether portal with a destination above y=128 will no longer have their position adjusted to 128 (MCPE-155465)
  • 生物通过高度在y=128以上的下界传送门进行传送后的位置不会再被调整为128 (MCPE-155465)


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