我的世界Java版 22w16a 发布

22W16A 的新增特性

  • Added new music
  • 加入了新的音乐
  • Added Disc Fragment 5 and Music Disc 5
  • 加入了唱片碎片5和音乐唱片5


  • The new music tracks are called Ancestry, Aerie, Firebugs, and Labyrinthine
  • 新音乐分别叫做 Ancestry, Aerie, Firebugs, 和 Labyrinthine
  • They play in certain biomes and in the main menu
  • 它们会在特定群系和主菜单中播放


A new music disc has been added to the game.

  • Unlike other discs, it can only be obtained by finding and crafting 9 Disc Fragments together
  • 与其他唱片不同,这张唱片只能通过合成9块唱片碎片的方式获取
  • These Disc Fragments can be found rarely in Ancient City chests
  • 这些唱片碎片偶尔可以在古代城市中找到

22W16A 的修改内容

  • Allay tweaks
  • 调整了悦灵
  • Improved the predictability a number of gameplay elements
  • 改善了很大一部分游戏事件的规律性
  • Frogs can now spawn on Grass, Mud, Moss Carpet, Mangrove Roots and Muddy Mangrove Roots
  • 青蛙现在可以在草地,泥巴,苔藓地毯,红树根和沾泥的红树根上生成
  • Froglights are now movable by pistons
  • 蛙明灯现在可以被活塞移动


  • Allay health raised from 10 to 20
  • 悦灵的生命值由10升到了20
  • Delay after item throw lowered from 5 secs to 3 secs
  • 扔出物品后的延迟由5秒变为3秒
  • Item search range raised from 9 to 32
  • 物品搜寻范围由9变为32
  • Movement speed changes:
  • 移动速度修改:
    • Allay is now slower when just wandering
    • 悦灵在闲置状态时移动速度变慢了
    • Allay is now faster when collecting items, going to the player or going to a noteblock
    • 悦灵在收集物品,向玩家或音符盒交付物品时移动速度变快了
  • Throw arc has changed following community feedback
  • 抛出物品的弧线根据社区反馈改进了


Some randomized events are now more predictable and no longer have a possibility of extreme behaviors.

  • Placement and velocity of things dropped from Droppers/Dispensers
  • 从投掷器/发射器投出的物品的位置和速度
  • Placement and velocity of items spawned from containers upon destroy
  • 容器破坏时掉出物品的位置和速度
  • Randomized follow_range component attribute for mobs
  • 生物的 follow_range 随机组件属性
  • Velocity of Horses spawned from skeleton traps
  • 骷髅陷阱产生的马的速度
  • Blaze random position and randomized speed of Blaze projectiles
  • 火焰弹的随机位置和速度
  • Randomized portion of damage and velocity of Arrows
  • 箭的伤害值里的随机部分
  • Randomized flight pattern of Fireworks
  • 烟花火箭的随机飞行路线
  • Bobbing patterns and time until a fish for Fishing Rods
  • 鱼上钩之前浮漂摆动的路线和时间

22W16A 的技术性修改

  • LWJGL library has been updated to version 3.3.1
  • LWJGL 库已更新到版本 3.3.1
  • Added a heap memory allocation metric to the F3 debug screen
  • 在F3调试屏幕中加入了内存堆分配指标
  • Added doWardenSpawning game rule
  • 加入了 doWardenSpawning (控制监守者生成)游戏规则
  • Updates to paintings
  • 画的一些更新


  • Paintings that are placeable in survival can now be controlled with the painting_variant/placeable tag
  • 生存模式中可以放置的画现在可被 painting_variant/placeable 标签控制
  • Added unused paintings from Bedrock edition (earthwindfirewater)
  • 加入了基岩版中的未使用画 (earthwindfirewater)
    • These paintings are not placeable by default, but can be added through a datapack
    • 这些画默认情况下不可放置,但可以通过数据包添加

22W16A 修复的漏洞

  • MC-81870 – Editing entitydata of Painting does not reflect ingame until chunk reload
  • MC-81870 – 在区块重新加载之后,编辑过的画的实体数据才会在游戏中显现出来
  • MC-111809 – Paintings unrender when entity data is updated rapidly
  • MC-111809 – 当实体数据快速更新时,画不会重新渲染
  • MC-187188 – Painting NBT and registry contain a typo: “Motive” instead of “Motif”
  • MC-187188 – 画的NBT有一处笔误:”Motif” 应当作 “Motive”
  • MC-226184 – Axolotls pathfinding to water can sometimes fall in wide holes
  • MC-226184 – 美西螈寻路到水的途中有时会掉到宽阔的洞里
  • MC-228049 – Axolotl can’t pathfind through open doors
  • MC-228049 – 美西螈在寻路时不会穿过打开的门
  • MC-228174 – Axolotls try to pathfind through 2 tall walls
  • MC-228174 – 美西螈寻路时会尝试穿过 2 格高的墙
  • MC-244957 – “Search” Option in Social Interactions Screen is not labeled in the right order when using Tab
  • MC-244957 – 使用Tab键导航时,社交屏幕的“搜索”选项没有按照正确的顺序标记
  • MC-245001 – “Manage with Microsoft account” button in Social Interactions menu is not centered
  • MC-245001 – 社交菜单的“使用Microsoft账户管理”按钮没有居中
  • MC-249084 – No sound is present for placing a Bucket of Tadpole
  • MC-249084 – 放置蝌蚪桶的时候没有音效
  • MC-249092 – Mangrove Stripped Log, Stripped Wood and Wood are in the incorrect order in the creative inventory
  • MC-249092 – 红树去皮原木,红树去皮木头和红树木头在创造模式物品栏中的排序不正确
  • MC-249176 – Froglights are not visible on maps
  • MC-249176 – 蛙明灯在地图上不显示
  • MC-249193 – Frog can’t pathfind through open doors
  • MC-249193 – 青蛙在寻路时不会穿过打开的门
  • MC-249217 – Fluid level next to froglights is too low
  • MC-249217 – 蛙明灯旁接的流体高度太低
  • MC-249245 – Turtle can’t pathfind through open doors
  • MC-249245 – 海龟在寻路时不会穿过打开的门
  • MC-249246 – Strider can’t pathfind through open doors
  • MC-249246 – 炽足兽在寻路时不会穿过打开的门
  • MC-249265 – Some blocks cannot be placed on froglights
  • MC-249265 – 有些方块无法放置在蛙明灯上
  • MC-249459 – Cactus is not destroyed by froglights
  • MC-249459 – 仙人掌不会被蛙明灯破坏
  • MC-249663 – The subtitles of some parrot imitation sounds are inconsistent with the original sounds’ subtitles
  • MC-249663 – 一些鹦鹉模仿的声音的字幕不符合原声音的字幕
  • MC-249679 – Incorrect activation of warden’s sniffing animations and behavior
  • MC-249679 – 监守者的嗅闻动画与行为的误激活
  • MC-249715 – Allays don’t drop their held items upon death
  • MC-249715 – 在死亡时,悦灵不会掉落手持物品
  • MC-249766 – Allays can despawn after being given an item if they haven’t picked up any items yet
  • MC-249766 – 即使给予悦灵物品,若此悦灵没有拾取过物品的话,也会消失
  • MC-249790 – Allay follows and drops items for players in spectator mode
  • MC-249790 – 悦灵会对旁观模式的玩家进行跟随/给予的行动
  • MC-249838 – Allays lose their idle animation once they start moving
  • MC-249838 – 悦灵在开始移动后会停止空闲时的动画
  • MC-249855 – Parity Issue: Allays don’t have a flying animation in Java
  • MC-249855 – 一致性问题:Java 版中的悦灵没有飞行动画
  • MC-249912 – minecraft:ancient_city/city_center_3 is one block shorter compared than the other ancient city centers
  • MC-249912 – minecraft:ancient_city/city_center_3 与其他古代城市核心相比少了一格
  • MC-249928 – Mangrove tree roots do not update blocks around them when generating
  • MC-249928 – 红树根在生成时不会更新旁边的方块
  • MC-250039 – Wardens can get angry at mobs outside world border
  • MC-250039 – 监守者可对在世界边界外的生物陷入狂暴
  • MC-250040 – Wardens can hear mobs beyond the world border
  • MC-250040 – 监守者能听见在世界边界之外的生物
  • MC-250041 – Wardens can spawn outside of world border
  • MC-250041 – 监守者可以在世界边界外生成
  • MC-250044 – Observers don’t detect mangrove roots when tree grows
  • MC-250044 – 红树生长时,侦测器不会检测到红树根的出现
  • MC-250094 – Wardens ignore /kill execution whilst they’re emerging or digging
  • MC-250094 – 监守者在钻出地面或钻回地下时,会忽略 /kill 命令的执行
  • MC-250095 – Wardens can spawn in very narrow places, causing them to suffocate
  • MC-250095 – 监守者可在非常狭窄的地方生成,导致其窒息
  • MC-250293 – The “allay_dust” particle is unused
  • MC-250293 – “allay_dust” 粒子未被使用
  • MC-250294 – Parity Issue: Allays item detection range is significantly smaller than in Bedrock
  • MC-250294 – 一致性问题:悦灵的物品检测范围远小于基岩版


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