我的世界基岩版 1.18.12 发布 提升了玩家运动的流畅度


  • Improved the smoothness of player movement  (MCPE-152176)
  • 提升了玩家运动的流畅度。 (MCPE-152176)
  • The pause menu’s “Invite to Game” button is now always enabled on Realms  
  • 暂停菜单的“邀请进入游戏”按钮现在将在Realms上长期可用。
  • Fixed issue where ratings count and offer tiles were not visible in the Marketplace  
  • 修复了在市场界面中“评分”与“提供者”模块不可见的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with experience being granted when moving items from the hotbar in the furnace UI screens (MCPE-152227)  
  • 修复了一个在熔炉UI中从快捷栏中移动物品时会获得经验的问题。 (MCPE-152227)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when launching the game on PlayStation while connected with Remote Play (MCPE-143803)  
  • 修复了一个在连接了 Remote Play 的 PlayStation 上启动游戏时可能发生的崩溃。 (MCPE-143803)
  • Fixed a bug where animation timeline events at 0.0 would sometimes not run in looping animations
  • 修复了一个起始于“0.0”的动画时间线事件有时无法在循环动画中运行的Bug。


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