我的世界基岩版 Beta 发布 蜡烛现在被加入了游戏

Features and Bug Fixes

  • Candles are now available in the game!
  • 蜡烛现在被加入了游戏!
  • Can be placed in clusters up to four and lit using Flint & Steel
  • 一格方块最多可以放置四根蜡烛,并且可以使用打火石点燃
  • Try putting one on a Cake and make a wish!
  • 你还可以把蜡烛插在蛋糕上,来许个愿吧!
  • Candles can be crafted using a Honeycomb and String
  • 蜡烛可以使用蜜脾和线合成
  • Combine with dye on a crafting grid to craft different colored Candles
  • 你可以将其与不同颜色的染料合成,以获得不同颜色的蜡烛


  • Falling Anvils and Stalactites now deal damage to mobs when landing in liquid
  • 掉落的铁砧和钟乳石可以对浸在液体中的生物造成伤害了
  • Fixed a bug where players going through Cobwebs would take fall damage before hitting the ground (MCPE-121550)
  • 修复了一个玩家在掉落途中即使穿过了蜘蛛网也会受到摔落伤害的漏洞(MCPE-121550
  • Descending through Powder Snow with touch controls now uses the same button as descending through Scaffolding
  • 在细中下降的触屏按钮现在与在脚手架中下降的触屏按钮相同
  • Vanilla Parity: Empty Buckets can no longer be used to collect Fish
  • [与Java版保持一致] 空桶现在不能用于装鱼了



  • Axolotls now only spawn in complete darkness
  • 美西螈现在只会生成在完全黑暗的地方
  • Iron Golems and Evokers are no longer sometimes aggressive on Peaceful difficulty (MCPE-47012)
  • 在和平难度下,铁傀儡和唤魔者不再具有攻击性 (MCPE-47012)
  • Glow Squid now darkens to match the surrounding light level when hurt (MCPE-121754)
  • 发光鱿鱼现在受到伤害时会变暗 (MCPE-121754)
  • When Goats are performing a ram attack, mobs will no longer retaliate against the Goats (MCPE-129619)
  • 即使山羊主动攻击了其他生物,其他生物也不会反击 (MCPE-129619)
  • Fixed a warning that could appear in splitscreen when encountering Guardians
  • 修复了当在分屏模式下游玩游戏时遇到守卫者的一个警告

Character Creator


  • Featured item thumbnails now remain within the featured items window
  • 特殊物品的预览图现在会在特殊物品的窗口里
  • The “Choose New Skin” button now shows up even when there is no imported custom skin (MCPE-128971)
  • 即使没有导入自定义皮肤,“ 选择新皮肤 ”按钮也会显示 (MCPE-128971)
  • The “Choose New Skin” button no longer disappears after selecting the slim custom option
  • 选择了slim型皮肤后,“ 选择新皮肤 ”按钮现在不会不显示了
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the player’s head to not animate properly with emotes (MCPE-126902)
  • 修复了一个玩家在使用表情时不会正确显示动画的问题 (MCPE-126902)

Known Issues

  • Using a fire charge to light objects (such as candles) may cause a crash
  • 使用火焰弹点燃物体(如蜡烛)时可能会导致游戏崩溃

Technical Updates


  • Fixed experimental ‘query.target’ to work on client-side queries
  • 修复了实验性选项 ‘ query.target ‘ 在客户端检查时无法工作的问题

Data Driven Blocks

  • Updated documentation for ‘BlockUnwalkableComponent’
  • 更新了 ‘BlockUnwalkableComponent’ 文档


  • Players will now be given a content error when custom recipes are invalid
  • 当自定义合成配方无效时,玩家会得到一个报错
  • Renamed “minecraft:scaffolding_climber” to “minecraft:block_climber”, it now processes climbing both Scaffolding and Powder Snow
  • 将”minecraft:scaffolding_climber”重命名为”minecraft:block_climber”,以统一处理攀爬脚手架和细雪

NPC Dialogue


  • Content creators can now create multi-page dialogues with branching narrative for NPCs using the ‘/dialogue’ command and dialogue JSON files
  • 内容制作者们现在可以使用’/dialogue’命令和对话JSON文件来为NPC制作一个拥有支线叙事的多页对话

GameTest Framework (Experimental)

游戏测试框架 (实验性)


  • Renamed ‘World.event.weatherChanged’ to ‘World.event.changeWeather’
  • 将’World.event.weatherChanged’重命名为’World.event.changeWeather’
  • Added event ‘World.event.addEffect’ – Fires when an effect is applied to an entity.
  • 添加了事件 ‘World.event.addEffect’ – 在药水效果被应用到一个实体上时触发
  • Added event ‘World.event.createEntity’ – Fires when an entity is added to the world.
  • 添加了事件 ‘World.event.createEntity’ – 在一个实体被添加进这个世界时触发
  • Removed function ‘World.addEventListener’
  • 移除函数 ‘World.addEventListener’
  • Changed function ‘getDuration()’ to property ‘duration’
  • 将 ‘getDuration()’ 函数修改为 ‘duration’ 属性
  • Changed function ‘getAmplifier()’ to property ‘amplifier’
  • 将 ‘getAmplifier()’ 函数修改为 ‘amplifier’ 属性
  • Added property ‘displayName’ – Gets the display name of the effect
  • 添加了属性 ‘displayName’ – 可以获取药水效果的名称



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