我的世界1.18中世纪MC Medieval Minecraft 整合包下载

中世纪MC Medieval Minecraft 整合包由作者“xSharkieTV”所制作。

Medieval Minecraft整合包是一款围绕RPG探索的整合包。在游戏中,你前往末路之地的方式完全被改变了,而且你可以与奇幻的Boss战斗并打造一座繁华的中世纪城市!




  • 目前最高支持1.16.5
  • 6个新的世界生成形式
  • Terraforged模组的地形生成(中世界城市)
  • 各种冒险与探索
  • 不同种类的角色
  • RPG数据[按“Y”打开统计]
  • 可以孵化的龙蛋[驯服你的龙!]
  • 通过殖民地模组,建立了一个充满繁华的中世纪王国!
  • 无数的大小Boss在战斗
  • 干渴值和耐力系统!
  • 更好的末地!
  • 丰富的洞穴!
  • 超过250个模组供你游玩!
  • 探索这个新的中世纪世界并开启你的冒险吧!


  • 目前最高支持1.17.1![需要Java 16]
  • 新一代洞穴-高度从Y-64到Y 320[1.18更新!]
  • 郁郁葱葱的洞穴和滴水石洞穴[1.18更新!]
  • 新的生物群系!包括主世界,下界和末路之地!
  • 以太维度[这个mod仍然是一个半成品,所以可能内容少一些]
  • 更好的末地和更好的下界!
  • 凋零合金工具和龙之工具及盔甲!
  • 口渴值与体温值!
  • 新的Boss和怪物!
  • REI物品管理器!
  • 目前有150多个Mods!


  • Bewitchment (by MoriyaShiine)
  • Plushie Mod (by Link_911)
  • BetterNether (by paulevs)
  • Additional Additions (by dqu1jjj)
  • Go Fish (by Draylar1)
  • BCLib (by paulevs)
  • Krypton (by tuxed)
  • Styled Player List (by Patbox)
  • Mouse Wheelie (Fabric) (by Siphalor)
  • Better Third Person (by Socolio)
  • BackSlot (by Globox_Z)
  • Harvest Scythes (by LordDeatHunter)
  • DragonLoot (by pois1xlive)
  • BetterF3 (by cominixo)
  • Lithium (Fabric) (by jellysquid3_)
  • Presence Footsteps (by S0llace)
  • Tiny Skeletons [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • Twigs (by ninnih_)
  • spark (by Iucko)
  • BiomeInfo (Fabric) (by bl4ckscor3)
  • RpgDifficulty (by Globox_Z)
  • Flesh 2 Leather [FABRIC] (by Gamma1772)
  • MC Dungeons Armors (by chronos_sacaria)
  • Eating Animation [Fabric] (by theone_ss)
  • Conjuring [Fabric/Forge] (by gliscowo)
  • Wandering Collector (by Siphalor)
  • Rat’s Mischief ? (by doctor4t)
  • Sodium (by jellysquid3_)
  • Oxidized (by safrodev)
  • oωo (owo-lib) (by gliscowo)
  • CleanCut (by Rongmario)
  • Mod Menu (by ProspectorDev)
  • Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr9zw)
  • Terralith 2.0 ~ Overworld Evolved (by Starmute)
  • Grizzly bear Mod (by AqUpd)
  • MC Dungeons Weapons (by chronos_sacaria)
  • End Goblin Traders (Fabric) (by jab125twitchy)
  • Additional Bars [FABRIC] (by Gamma1772)
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) (by MehVahdJukaar)
  • VoidZ (by Globox_Z)
  • Villager Hats Mod [Fabric] (by PinkGoosik)
  • CraftPresence (by CDAGaming_)
  • FancyMenu [Fabric] (by Keksuccino)
  • Client Tweaks (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
  • Konkrete [Fabric] (by Keksuccino)
  • KleeSlabs (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
  • LazyDFU (by tuxed)
  • Item Highlighter [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
  • Mythic Metals (by Noaaan)
  • Dynamic FPS (by juliand665)
  • Inventory Sorting (by Kyrptonaught)
  • Amplified Nether (by Starmute)
  • Fabric Language Kotlin (by modmuss50)
  • Mythic Mounts (by chirpycricket__)
  • First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
  • This Rocks! (by Motschen)
  • Interactic (by gliscowo)
  • Iceberg [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
  • Tree Harvester (Fabric) (by Serilum)
  • Goblin Traders (Fabric) (by RobertHatterson)
  • Advancement Plaques [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
  • Rhino (by LatvianModder)
  • Enchantment Lore (by supersaiyansubtlety)
  • Advancements Enlarger (by shedaniel)
  • Fabric Seasons (by D4rkness_King)
  • Eclectic Trove (Legendary Tooltips) (by Grend_G)
  • LevelZ (by Globox_Z)
  • Vein Mining (Fabric) (by TheIllusiveC4)
  • Animal Feeding Trough (by Slexom)
  • Terrarian Slimes (by D4rkness_King)
  • Collective (Fabric) (by Serilum)
  • Heartbond [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
  • Tom’s Simple Storage Mod (Fabric) (by tom54541)
  • Caracal Mod (by AqUpd)
  • Cherished Worlds (Fabric) (by TheIllusiveC4)
  • Paintings++ (Fabric Edition) (by AbsolemJackdaw)
  • Quartz Elevator (by atonkish)
  • DeepslateCutting (by NoComment1105)
  • ThonkUtil (by jab125twitchy)
  • Fabric API (by modmuss50)
  • [FABRIC] Launchpads (by ZimonIsHim)
  • EnvironmentZ (by Globox_Z)
  • Architectury API (Fabric) (by shedaniel)
  • More Axolotl Variants Mod (by Akashii_Kun_)
  • Connected Doors (by fake_domi)
  • Xaero’s World Map (by xaero96)
  • Enchanting Infuser [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • Villager Names (Fabric) (by YumatanGames)
  • Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
  • Embellished Stone (Advancement Plaques) (by Grend_G)
  • On Soul Fire (by MoriyaShiine)
  • Name Pain (by naqaden)
  • Falling Leaves (Fabric) (by RandomMcSomethin)
  • Realistic Fire Spread (by MoriyaShiine)
  • Dehydration (by Globox_Z)
  • Blur (Fabric) (by Motschen)
  • Bountiful (Fabric) (by ejektaflex)
  • Enhanced Celestials(Fabric) – Blood Moons & Harvest Moons (by Corgi_Taco)
  • Just an End Anchor (by KxmischesDomi)
  • Earth2Java (by Slexom)
  • Universal Graves (by Patbox)
  • Visuality [Fabric] (by PinkGoosik)
  • FerriteCore (Fabric) (by malte0811)
  • More Banner Features (by KxmischesDomi)
  • MedievalWeapons (by Globox_Z)
  • Balm (Fabric Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
  • Carrier (by GabrielHOlv)
  • Repurposed Structures (Fabric) (by telepathicgrunt)
  • Ok Zoomer (by EnnuiLangeweile)
  • Lovely Snails (by LambdAurora)
  • The Graveyard (FABRIC) (by finallion_13)
  • Alloy Forgery (by LordDeatHunter)
  • Icarus (Fabric) (by Camellias_)
  • More Villagers [Fabric] (by SameDifferent)
  • Arcanus (by Camellias_)
  • Impaled ? (by doctor4t)
  • More Respawn Anchors (by cominixo)
  • Capybara [Fabric] (by ZestyBlaze)
  • WTHIT (by badasintended)
  • Fabric Waystones (by LordDeatHunter)
  • megane (by badasintended)
  • KubeJS (Fabric) (by shedaniel)
  • Trinkets (Fabric) (by EmilyPloszaj)
  • Sodium Extra (by FlashyReese)
  • Styled Chat (by Patbox)
  • Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (by tr9zw)
  • Not Enough Animations (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
  • Excalibur (by Maffhew)
  • Roughly Enough Items Fabric (REI) (by shedaniel)
  • Crawl (Fabric) (by fewizz_)
  • Pehkui (by Virtuoel)
  • Iris Shaders (by coderbot)
  • Cloth Config API (Fabric) (by shedaniel)
  • Puzzles Lib [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • TooltipRareness (by Globox_Z)
  • Forge Config API Port [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • Boat Container (by KxmischesDomi)
  • Emerald Geodes (+now with Quartz!) (by TheDeathlyCow)
  • Croptopia [FABRIC/FORGE] (by thethonk)
  • Equipment Compare [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
  • Illuminations ? (by doctor4t)
  • ToolTipFix (by Kyrptonaught)
  • Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
  • Easy Magic [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • Adorn (by Juicebus)
  • Trading Post [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • Pick Up Notifier [Fabric] (by Fuzs_)
  • GeckoLib (by ThanosGecko)
  • Drippy Loading Screen [Fabric] (by Keksuccino)
  • Disenchanter (by gliscowo)
  • Xaero’s Minimap (by xaero96)
  • Kambrik (by ejektaflex)
  • Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] (by Grend_G)
  • Farsight[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
  • More Axolotls (by KxmischesDomi)
  • Replanter (by Areuthreateningme)
  • Things [Fabric] (by gliscowo)
  • Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) (by shedaniel)
  • Cosmetic Armor [FABRIC] (by Apace100)
  • Indium (by comp500)
  • Dynamic Sound Filters (by andre111_)
  • Continuity (by Pepper_Bell)
  • AdventureZ (by Globox_Z)
  • Motschen’s Better Leaves (by Motschen)
  • Windchimes (by hibiscvs)
  • Soaring Structures 2 – Forge / Fabric (by STGMC)
  • Patchouli (Fabric) (by williewillus)
  • MC Dungeons Artifacts (by chronos_sacaria)
  • BackSlotAddon (by Globox_Z)


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已有 1 条评论
  1. 躺平的咸鱼精


    2022年12月9日 10:411 回复