我的世界1.18.1-1.12.2 UVision 整合包下载

UVision 整合包由作者“UnholyV3Ng3aNc3”所制作。




  • Clarity | Pixel Perfection [32x]
  • Misa’s Realistic (by Misa_64)
  • Lycanites Redux



  • XP Tome(by bl4ckscor3)
  • Collective(Forge)(by Serilum)
  • Observed(by CartoonishVillain)
  • Simple Voice Chat(by henkelmax)
  • Corail Tombstone(by Corail_31)
  • ItemPhysic Full(by CreativeMD)
  • Doggy Talents(by percivalalb)
  • Clumps(by Jaredlll08)
  • Better Title Screen(by Girafi)
  • Chunk Animator(by Lumien231)
  • Random Mob Effects(Forge)(by Serilum)
  • CleanCut(by Rongmario)
  • Curios API(Forge)(by TheIllusiveC4)
  • EnhancedVisuals(by CreativeMD)
  • Village Spawn Point(Forge)(by Serilum)
  • Rings of Ascension(Forge)(by Focamacho)
  • Craftable Horse Armour&Saddle[CHA&S](by EwyBoy)
  • Giant Spawn(Forge)(by Serilum)
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked(by LainMI)
  • Nether Portal Spread(Forge)(by Serilum)
  • Sit(by bl4ckscor3)
  • CreativeCore(by CreativeMD)
  • Enhanced Celestials-Blood,Blue,&Harvest(Super)Moons(by Corgi_Taco)
  • Gobber[FORGE](by kwpugh)


  • XP Tome (by bl4ckscor3)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise)
  • Serene Seasons (by TheAdubbz)
  • First Aid (by ichttt)
  • Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax)
  • Roots Classic (by Lothrazar)
  • Villagers Respawn (by MacTso)
  • Polymorph (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI)
  • Collective (Forge) (by Serilum)
  • Stylish Effects [Forge] (by Fuzs_)
  • Eyes in the Darkness (by gigaherz)
  • Weapon Throw (by dainxt)
  • Regrowth (by MacTso)
  • Easy Magic [Forge] (by Fuzs_)
  • Random Mob Effects (Forge) (by Serilum)
  • Dynamic Lights (by atomicstrykergrumpy)
  • AtomicStryker’s Infernal Mobs (by atomicstrykergrumpy)
  • Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Forge) (by TheGrimsey)
  • Majrusz’s Progressive Difficulty (by Majrusz17)
  • Visual Workbench (by Fuzs_)
  • Enhanced Celestials – Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons (by Corgi_Taco)
  • Outvoted (by HowBoutNo)
  • Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y)
  • ToroHealth Damage Indicators (by ToroCraft)
  • Nether Portal Spread (Forge) (by Serilum)
  • Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
  • CleanCut (by Rongmario)
  • Comforts (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
  • MobZ (by Globox_Z)
  • Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr9zw)
  • ItemPhysic Full (by CreativeMD)
  • Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
  • Tool Belt (by gigaherz)
  • Silent Lib (silentlib) (by SilentChaos512)
  • Seamless Loading Screen (Forge) (by TimScript)
  • Scaling Health (by SilentChaos512)
  • Majrusz Library (by Majrusz17)
  • Infernal Expansion (by InfernalStudios)
  • MoreVanillaLib (by MelanX)
  • Legendary Tooltips (by Grend_G)
  • Tough As Nails (by TheAdubbz)
  • Advancement Plaques (by Grend_G)
  • First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
  • Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel)
  • Item Borders (by Grend_G)
  • Sit (by bl4ckscor3)
  • Curios API (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
  • Dungeon Crawl (by xiroc_)
  • Wonderful Enchantments (by Majrusz17)
  • Stalwart Dungeons (by Furti_Two)
  • Configured (by MrCrayfish)
  • Architectury API (Forge) (by shedaniel)
  • EnhancedVisuals (by CreativeMD)
  • Falling Leaves (Forge) (by Cheaterpaul)
  • Xaero’s World Map (by xaero96)
  • AmbientSounds 4 (by CreativeMD)
  • Corail Tombstone (by Corail_31)
  • Valhelsia Core (by ValhelsiaTeam)
  • Puzzles Lib [Forge] (by Fuzs_)
  • Biomes O’ Plenty (by Forstride)
  • Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
  • Better Title Screen (by Girafi)
  • Chunk Animator (by Lumien231)
  • Desolation (Forge) (by y4z0n)
  • Baubles – Reborn? (by lazynessmind)
  • Lootr (by Noobanidus)
  • LibX (by noeppinoeppi)
  • Doggy Talents (by percivalalb)
  • Selene Lib (by MehVahdJukaar)
  • Giant Spawn (Forge) (by Serilum)
  • Dungeons Mod (by dainxt)
  • Gobber [FORGE] (by kwpugh)
  • More Villagers (by SameDifferent)
  • AppleSkin (by squeek502)
  • Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy)
  • Village Spawn Point (Forge) (by Serilum)
  • Observed (by CartoonishVillain)
  • Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii)
  • Guard Villagers (by almightytallestred)
  • Craftable Chainmail Armor [FORGE & FABRIC] (by 00theblackwolf00)
  • Balm (Forge Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
  • Iron Chests (by ProgWML6)
  • Cloth Config API (Forge) (by shedaniel)
  • Wildfire’s Female Gender Mod (Forge) (by WildfireRomeo)
  • Not Enough Animations (Forge/Fabric) (by tr9zw)
  • Majrusz’s Accessories (by Majrusz17)
  • The Magic Doorknob (by tboshoven)
  • DisenchantingForge (by chirptheboy)
  • Aquaculture 2 (by Shadowclaimer)
  • Iceberg (by Grend_G)
  • TRansliterationLib (by tr9zw)
  • Trading Post [Forge] (by Fuzs_)
  • Guidebook (by gigaherz)
  • Buddycards (by wildcard_gamer)
  • Piglin Expansion (by Ddx11__)
  • Rings of Ascension (Forge) (by Focamacho)
  • Alex’s Mobs (by alex_khaan)
  • Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar)
  • Game Menu Mod Option [Forge] (by morimori0317)
  • Extra Golems (by skyjay1)
  • Physics Mod (by haubna)
  • Valhelsia Structures (by ValhelsiaTeam)
  • CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
  • Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
  • Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
  • Awesome Dungeon – Forge (by Jtorleon)
  • GeckoLib (by ThanosGecko)
  • Tumbleweed (by bconv)
  • Xaero’s Minimap (by xaero96)
  • Citadel (by alex_khaan)
  • Vanilla Excavators [Forge] (by MelanX)
  • DefaultSettings (by PT400C)
  • TrashSlot (by BlayTheNinth)
  • The Undergarden (by Quek04)
  • Goblin Traders (by MrCrayfish)
  • Mahou Tsukai (by stepcros)


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