我的世界Java版 1.18-pre2 发布 修复滴水石簇生成在洞穴外

The second pre-release for Minecraft Java is now available. In this pre-release, we’ve upgraded the Java version that is bundled with the game, and the game now uses Java 17. Other than this, we’ve mostly been busy fixing bugs.
Minecraft Java版的第二个预发布版现在可用。在这个预发布版中,我们升级了游戏所需的Java版本,游戏现在需要Java 17。除此之外,我们大部分时间忙着修bug。


Technical changes in 1.18 Pre-release 2
1.18 预发布版 2 的技术性修改

Minecraft now uses Java version 17. If you are using a default setup the Launcher will download and install the correct version. If you are using a custom Java setup or a third-party launcher, you will need to ensure that your Java installation is version 17 or above.

Fixed bugs in 1.18 Pre-release 2
1.18 预发布版 2 修复的漏洞

  • MC-32813 – Floating water / lava above caves / cave carver doesn’t update water
  • MC-32813 – 流动的水或在洞穴上方的流动的岩浆洞穴雕刻器不再更新水
  • MC-206303 – Minecarts have old textures on the bottom
  • MC-206303 – 矿车的底部使用了旧纹理
  • MC-214963 – Mineshaft generation is non-deterministic
  • MC-214963 – 矿井的结构生成是不确定的
  • MC-217038 – Large dripstone structures can be generated outside the caves
  • MC-217038 – 滴水石簇生成在洞穴外
  • MC-217056 – Some high-speed particles lag/freeze the game
  • MC-217056 – 一些高速度粒子会导致游戏卡顿或卡死
  • MC-220061 – Painting back texture is mirrored
  • MC-220061 – 画的背部纹理被镜像翻转
  • MC-223917 – Goats on fire do not attempt to pathfind towards water
  • MC-223917 – 山羊被火烧着时不会尝试跑往有水处
  • MC-226689 – Albert Pastore’s name is grey and improperly indented in the credits
  • MC-226689 – 制作人员名单中,Albert Pastore的名字是灰色的,且缩进不正确
  • MC-227163 – Credits say ‘‘IT Manager’’ instead of ‘‘IT Managers’’
  • MC-227163 – 鸣谢名单中 `IT Managers` 错写成 `IT Manager`
  • MC-227204 – “Explore, dream, discover” quote no longer appears after new credits
  • MC-227204 – 在使用新版鸣谢名单后,`Explore,dream,discover` 那段语录不再出现
  • MC-227206 – Random names in the new credits use curly quotes/apostrophes
  • MC-227206 – 制作人员名单中,有一些名字中使用的单引号或双引号使用的是全角符号
  • MC-227231 – Steven Silvester’s name is misspelt in the credits
  • MC-227231 – 制作人员名单中,Steven Silvester的名字可能被拼错了
  • MC-227239 – In the credits, Elizabeth Batson’s company name is improperly capitalized
  • MC-227239 – 制作人员名单中,Elizabeth Batson的公司名称被不正确大写
  • MC-227329 – The usage and punctuation of “Inc” is still inconsistent in the credits
  • MC-227329 – 制作人员名单中,“Inc”一词的用法和标点仍然不一致
  • MC-231782 – Missing “(” in Frank Criscione credit
  • MC-231782 – 制作人员名单中,Frank Criscione的那一行少了一个”(“。
  • MC-236756 – Biome-exclusive mob spawn rates are reduced
  • MC-236756 – 生物群系独有生物的生成率降低了
  • MC-236858 – Seeds that spawn you in the middle of the ocean cause lag
  • MC-236858 – 由出生点在海洋中间的世界种子生成的世界性能迟缓
  • MC-237608 – Server address shown when connection fails during server startup
  • MC-237608 – Server address shown when connection fails during server startup
  • MC-238049 – Passive mobs (cows, pigs, sheep, chickens) sometimes do not spawn
  • MC-238049 – 被动型生物(牛、猪、绵羊、鸡)有时不生成
  • MC-238076 – UpgradeData in chunk is not migrated to new world height
  • MC-238076 – 区块内的UpgradeData标签没有转换到新的世界高度
  • MC-238375 – Crash and/or data corruption upon attempting to save a world with a world border center over 30 million blocks
  • MC-238375 –  世界边界中心点在3千万格外时,保存世界会导致游戏崩溃,和/或数据损坏
  • MC-238587 – Sprinting while flying into a block causes the screen to rapidly zoom in and out
  • MC-238587 – 飞入方块时疾跑会导致视角快速放大和缩小
  • MC-239397 – Lava pockets generate in icebergs
  • MC-239397 – 熔岩池在冰山中生成
  • MC-239423 – Kumi Tanioka isn’t under “Music composed by” in the credits
  • MC-239423 – Kumi Tanioka未出现在鸣谢名单的 `Music composed by` 段落中
  • MC-239856 – Upgrading old worlds causes vines to have the wrong block state
  • MC-239856 – 升级旧的世界会导致藤蔓使用错误的方块状态
  • MC-239857 – Fences, iron bars, and glass panes often use an incorrect block state after conversion
  • MC-239857 – 栅栏、铁栏杆和玻璃板在进行世界转换后没有正确衔接
  • MC-239884 – Water from old chunks don’t properly propagate into new chunks
  • MC-239884 – 旧区块中的水不会流到新区块中
  • MC-239899 – Connected redstone does not properly upgrade from older versions
  • MC-239899 – 在旧版中的连接好的红石线没有跟随版本升级
  • MC-240030 – Holes in worlds created in Alpha and Infdev below y=0 after conversion
  • MC-240030 – 创建于Infdev和Alpha的世界转换到21w43a后在y=0或以下区域出现大量空洞
  • MC-240494 – Duplicated mineshafts with new cave generation
  • MC-240494 – 新的洞穴生成机制导致生成重复的废弃矿井
  • MC-240507 – Mob Spawning in structures fails in pre-1.18 generated monuments/swamp huts/outposts
  • MC-240507 – 在1.18前生成的海底神殿/沼泽小屋/掠夺者前哨站里无法正常生成生物
  • MC-240570 – Biomes in old chunks are not copied to new caves below Y=0 when chunks are extended
  • MC-240570 – 旧区块升级后,旧的生物群系数据不会被复制到Y=0下方生成的新洞穴处
  • MC-240610 – “Allow Server Listings” option doesn’t save its last setting
  • MC-240610 –  “允许列入服务器玩家列表”选项设置不会被保存
  • MC-240783 – Powder snow does not reduce or negate fall damage
  • MC-240783 – 细雪不减少也不抵消坠落伤害
  • MC-241111 – Some Mojang employees are not mentioned in the credits
  • MC-241111 – 部分Mojang雇员未出现在鸣谢名单中
  • MC-241194 – Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “ddm.a(cao, cps, java.util.Random, gh)” because the return value of “java.util.function.Supplier.get()” is null
  • MC-241194 – 空指针异常崩溃:不能调用”ddm.a(cao, cps, java.util.Random, gh)”,因为”java.util.function.Supplier.get()”的返回值为null
  • MC-241199 – Double chests have incorrect block states after upgrading old worlds
  • MC-241199 – 升级旧世界后,大型箱子的方块状态不正确
  • MC-241208 – Powered buttons, pressure plates, and tripwire hooks remain powered forever after upgrading old worlds
  • MC-241208 -升级旧存档会使被充能的按钮、压力板和绊线钩永久保持充能状态
  • MC-241234 – Fossils get cut off at chunk borders
  • MC-241234 – 化石会在区块边界处被截断
  • MC-241413 – Floating water generates around ravines
  • MC-241413 – 峡谷周围会生成浮空水


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