我的世界Java版 1.18 测试性快照 7 发布

New world generation in Java available for testing
新Java版地形生成器正在测试An experimental Caves & Cliffs snapshot has arrived!


(Bedrock version here)

UPDATE (Sep 8): Snapshot 7 is shipped! This one is tiny so don’t get too excited. You might not even notice any difference. But if you do let us know what you think 🙂
更新(9月8日):快照7已经推出! 不要惊讶,这次的更新的确很小。你甚至都注意不到有什么变化。但也许你们可以告诉我们你们的想法 🙂

Also this is probably going to be the last experimental snapshot for now. We are focusing on getting these tweaks into the normal Java snapshot and Bedrock beta series.


Changes in experimental snapshot 7 compared to snapshot 6


  • Noodle caves can generate at any height, no longer capped at y 130. This means you’ll sometimes find tiny cave openings and cracks in mountain peaks. Tread with care.
  • 面条洞穴现在可以在任意高度生成了,y=130的上限被取消。这意味着你可能能在山顶上发现小型的洞穴开口和地形裂隙。注意脚下。
  • Some parts of the terrain are ever so slightly smoother (less 3d noise in tech speak)
  • 某些部分的地形变得更平滑了(用技术语言说就是3d噪音更少了)
  • Elytra doesn’t take durability damage when gliding, only when using rockets. So you don’t HAVE to have mending or unbreaking enchantments to use your elytra, especially now that there are higher mountains and cliffs to launch from.
  • 鞘翅在滑翔时不会损失耐久度,只有在使用烟花火箭加速时才会扣除耐久度。 所以你不需要一定给鞘翅上经验修补和耐久了,特别是现在也有更高的山脉和悬崖可以供你起飞。
    • Elytra rocket boosting is so fast that other means of transport become almost redundant。We want to balance it out a bit.
    • 因为鞘翅配合烟花火箭助推时的速度如此之快,以至于其他的交通工具相比之下几乎全成了废品,所以我们想稍微做些平衡。
    • Even in earlier versions of Minecraft most servers get laggy when players fly around with elytra & rockets because they fly faster than chunks can load。With the new world height this would probably get worse.
    • 即使在旧版本的Minecraft中,当玩家带着鞘翅使用烟花火箭满天乱飞时,也会造成大多数服务器的卡顿,因为它们的飞行速度比区块加载的速度还快了。随着世界高度的提升,这个问题可能愈发严重。
    • There is so much more cool terrain to enjoy now,wouldn’t want to zoom past it all too fast right?:)
    • 况且现在有更多很酷的地形可以欣赏,难道你想错过它们吗?:)
    • Note that gliding speed is unchanged。This affects just rocket boosting.
    • 注意修改后的鞘翅正常滑翔速度不变。这次改动只会影响烟花火箭助推加速幅度。
  • That’s it. I told you. This is a tiny snapshot.
  • 就这些。我说过了。这是个小快照。
  • What? The swamps, you ask? Nope, we didn’t change the swamps, and they have mixed feelings about that.
  • 什么?你说沼泽?不,我们一点都没修改,以及沼泽对此表示心情复杂。

How do I get the experimental snapshot?





  • Download this zip file
  • 下载此 zip 文件
  • Unpack the folder into your “versions” folder of your local Minecraft application data folder (see below if you are confused)
  • 将其中的文件夹解压到您本地 Minecraft 文件夹的“versions”子文件夹中(如果您有疑问,请参见下文)
  • Create a new launch installation in the launcher and select the “pending 1.18_experimental-snapshot-6” version
  • 在启动器中新建启动配置,选择“pending 1.18_experimental-snapshot-6”版本
  • Start the game and the remaining files will be downloaded
  • 直接开始游戏,游戏剩余的文件将被自动下载
  • Play in a new world! This version is not compatible with other snapshots!
  • 开始游玩新世界吧!注意此版本与其他快照不兼容!


Finding the Minecraft application data folder


  • Windows: Press Win+R and type %appdata%\.minecraft and press Ok
  • Windows 系统:按 Win+R 并输入 %appdata%\.minecraft ,点击确定
  • Mac OS X: In Finder, in the Go menu, select “Go to Folder” and enter ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
  • Mac OS X 系统: 在访达的“前往”菜单中,选择“前往文件夹”并输入 ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft,然后按“前往”。
  • Linux: ~/.minecraft or /home/<your username>/.minecraft/
  • Linux 系统: ~/.minecraft 或 /home/<你的用户名>/.minecraft/


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