我的世界基岩版 1.17.11 发布 修复了部分bug


  • Players no longer die and instantly respawn after traveling back to Overworld from the End in certain circumstances (MCPE-135226)
    在部分情况下,玩家从末路之地返回主世界时不再死亡 (MCPE-135226)
  • Players no longer die and get stuck on the respawn screen when entering an End Portal after dying in the End in certain seeds (MCPE-132484)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on Xbox when suspending and resuming the title for the second time
    修复了 Xbox 版本中第二次从标题界面暂停并恢复时崩溃的问题
  • Horses no longer become invisible after being dismounted (MCPE-108568)
  • On Realms, the ‘/msg’ command once again works when the world is in Survival mode and cheats are disabled (REALMS-7760)
    在 Realms 中,当作弊被禁用时 /msg 指令可以在生存模式中使用(REALMS-7760)
  • After renewing an expired Realm, the Realm is now properly renewed instead of a new Realm being created (REALMS-7263)
    在续费了一个过期的 Realm 之后,Realm 将会被正确续期(而不是创建了一个新的 Realm) (REALMS-7263)


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