Minecraft Live 2022 has wrapped, which means it’s time for a recap! And not a moment too soon, because the show didn’t include a single plug for my one-writer show, Mine! All Mine: A Solo Crafter’s Soliloquy, even though I’ve hand delivered multiple handwritten requests. Next year I will be enlisting the help of Look Mum No Computer, but I suspect that after that incredible display of LEGO Minecraft soundscapes, I am going to have to get in line. Let’s not waste any more time on pleasantries and finger-pointing, it’s time to dive into all the wonderful things that were announced in this year’s show!
Minecraft Live 2022 已经结束,到总结的时候了!不过你先别急,这个节目根本没提到我的独占大戏,《我的!全是我的:一位孤身一人的制造者的独白》,我交了好几份手写的申请,可是他们不听。我要去找 Look Mum No Computer 帮忙,明年我一定会回来的,不过在我看到那个乐高 Minecraft 音乐展示之后,我就深感打不过,知道我的事情只能以后再说了。先不要浪费时间说漂亮话或者指指点点了,该来看看今年节目中我们公布的精彩内容了!
Minecraft 1.20
Agnes Larsson, Chi Wong, and Nir Vaknin took the stage to show off the camel mob, hanging signs, chiseled bookshelves, and crafting with bamboo: four new features that are included in the next Minecraft update! As a writer, I am quite biased in my excitement for both functional bookshelves and hanging signs, as this means more material to write on and more places to store said writing. My Minecraft Magnum M’Opus can now take the shape of shelf-friendly books as well as both standing and hanging signs, all of them more misleading than the last! And with a mob that has space for two, I can now make sure to trot by them on my camel together with each reader I trick into coming welcome to my realm. Now I just need to keep the bamboo raft a secret so they can’t sail away before they read all 275 chapters. We’ll keep that part between us, alright?
Agnes Larsson,Chi Wong,以及 Nir Vaknin 站上了舞台,为我们展示了新生物骆驼、悬挂告示牌(暂译)、精致书架,以及竹制品:四个将会在下个版本中更新的特性!作为一位文章写手,我真的很难掩饰我对于有用的书架和悬挂告示牌的激动之情,这两个特性意味着有更多的文字可以写,并且有更多地方可以存放文字内容了。我的 Minecraft 巨著《M’Opus》终于可以被放到书架中,以及竖立和悬挂的告示牌上了,这几样东西都比以前更具误导性!有了能坐两个人的生物,我可以和我骗来邀请进我的 Realm 的读者们一起坐在我的骆驼上驰骋。现在我只要不跟他们说竹筏(暂译)这个东西,他们就没法在把 275 章全部读完之前划走。这是我们之间的秘密,好吗?
The team didn’t reveal their full plan or final name for the upcoming update, Minecraft 1.20, right away as we have in previous years. This time, we will be gradually announcing all the things that are coming to your Overworld in the next update. In only a matter of weeks, you will be able to test and send feedback on early iterations of the camel, hanging signs, and bamboo crafting in snapshots and betas!
团队并没有透露本次更新的完整更新计划及正式名称,Minecraft 1.20,与我们之前几年的宣布方式不同。这一次,我们会循序渐进地公开将会在下一个版本中加入你的主世界的内容。在几周之内,你就能够在快照和测试版中测试骆驼、悬挂告示牌,以及竹制品的早期版本,并提供反馈!
You can access snapshots for Java Edition by enabling them in the “Installations” tab in the launcher, and you can find the instructions for joining betas for Bedrock Edition here . If you haven’t played with snapshots or betas before, keep your eyes on our channels, because I predict that we will be discussing the hows and whens of this process a lot!
你可以通过在启动器的「配置」一栏启用来获取 Java 版快照,你也可以在这里找到关于加入基岩版 Beta 的信息。如果你此前没有玩过快照或测试版,请盯紧我们的频道,我有预感我们很快就会讨论到与此有关的内容!

From Left to Right: Sunny, Kai, Makena, Steve, Alex, Zuri, Efe, Ari, and Noor
从左至右分别是:Sunny(桑尼),Kai(凯尔),Makena(马克纳),Steve(史蒂夫),Alex(艾利克斯),Zuri(祖里),Efe(伊飞),Ari(艾里),以及 Noor(诺尔)
The Minecraft gameplay team had another surprise up their collective sleeves – seven new default skins! Makena, Efe, Noor, Kai, Ari, Sunny, and Zuri will be joining Alex and Steve in the Minecraft Launcher and Dressing Room. Whether you play with default skins, make your own, or change it up depending on your mood – now you have more options to choose from!
Minecraft 游戏玩法团队还有另一个共同带来的惊喜 – 七个新的默认皮肤!Makena、Efe、Noor、Kai、Ari、Sunny,以及 Zuri 会在 Minecraft 启动器以及更衣室中加入 Steve 和 Alex 的阵容。无论你是使用默认皮肤,画你自己的,还是随心情换来换去 – 现在你都有更多选择了!
Eagle-eyed viewers will recognize Sunny, Efe, and Noor from The Wild Update trailers . Just like Steve and Alex, these skins will help us shape our storytelling, just as they can help you with yours. The new default skins will be available in Minecraft on November 29!
眼尖的玩家或许能在荒野更新宣传片中发现Sunny、Efe,和 Noor 的身影。和 Steve、Alex 一样,这些皮肤都有助于我们塑造故事的讲述,就像他们也可以用于讲述你们的故事一样。新的默认皮肤会在 11 月 29 日加入 Minecraft!
Minecraft Legends, the latest game to join our blocky roster, was announced earlier this year and we got a first look behind the scenes! Our own Magnus Nedfors, Kevin Grace, Telemachus Stavropoulus, and Anna Wendelin alongside Blackbird Interactive’s Lee McKinnon Pedersen and Peter Gahn took us on a deep dive about what it means to be a legend of the Overwold, as well as a 4 player co-op live demo that showed off the lush landscapes and piglin-packed gameplay. And as if that wasn’t enough, they showed off the rampage cinematic that sets the entire game in motion!
Minecraft:传奇,最新的一款有些方方的游戏,在今年早些时候公布了,并且我们已经初步了解了幕后信息!来自我们的 Magnus Nedfors、Kevin Grace、Telemachus Stavropoulus,以及 Anna Wendelin 携手来自 Blackbird Interactive 的 Lee McKinnon Pedersen 和 Peter Gahn 带我们深入了解了什么叫做主世界的传奇,并且展示了一个 4 位玩家联机的实机演示,其中有富饶的土地和挤满猪灵的游戏过程。如果这些还不够,他们还展示了一段疯狂的影片片段,让整个游戏活了起来。
Jens Bergensten was kind enough to give us a tour of the Legends Overworld, where he introduced us to some of his old friends! And as a special treat, we not only got to meet but also hear the first speaking mobs, the three hosts: Knowledge, Action, and Foresight . And did you see those regal tigers?! I need to secure my spot as the Premiere Cat Lady of Legends as soon as it launches.
Jens Bergensten 为我们展示了传奇主世界中的一段旅程,他介绍了他的几位老朋友!并且作为附加,我们不仅见到还可以听到第一批会说话的生物,三位主宰(Host):知识(Knowledge)、行动(Action),和远见(Foresight)。你有看到那只帝王虎吗?!传奇发售之后,我得好好较量一番才能保住我的位置了。
Speaking of the Minecraft Legends launch date – another exciting announcement from the team was, well… the launch date! I hope you’re ready to take on the piglins to save the Overworld, because it’s confirmed that Minecraft Legends will be coming to a platform near you in Spring 2023!
说到 Minecraft:传奇的发售日 – 团队带来了另一个激动人心的消息,那就是…游戏的发售日!希望你已经准备好击败猪灵拯救主世界了,因为 Minecraft:传奇已确认将于 2023 年春季在全平台上发售!
Laura De Llorens, Vu Bui, JP Johansson, and Kelsey Howard gave us a recap of all the features that have been added to Minecraft Dungeons over the past two and half years. Time sure flies by when you’re having fun, climbing a tower, and fighting for survival!
Laura De Llorens、Vu Bui、JP Johansson,以及 Kelsey Howard 带我们回顾了过去的两年半中加入 Minecraft:地下城的内容。快乐的时光总是过得飞快,在爬塔、为生存而战的时候,几乎感觉不到时间的流逝!
They also looked into the future and revealed lots of exciting stuff coming soon. Like the seasonally spooky Halloween content that is coming this month! It’s so spooky, that the Hungriest Horror Armor set and the free Cloaked Armor Set will be haunting Minecraft Marketplace . Plus, they announced the Minecraft Dungeons Heroes Skin Pack, the first skin pack cross-over between these two worlds! Now you can follow my example, dress up as Hal in Minecraft and live every day like it’s Halloween.
他们同样展望了未来,宣布很多激动人心的东西将会马上到来。例如季节性的恐怖万圣节内容将于本月更新!实在恐怖过头了,以至于饥渴装甲套装和免费的破碎装甲套装都闹到 Minecraft Marketplace 去了。另外,他们公布了 Minecraft:地下城英雄皮肤包,横跨这两个世界的首个皮肤包!现在你可以仿照我的例子,在 Minecraft 中装扮成 Hal,把每一天过成圣诞节!
We also got a first-hand look at the new multiplayer mode for the Tower and a peek at Season 3: Fauna Faire! On October 19, a whole slew of new flairs, pets, skins, emotes, and free content is coming to Minecraft Dungeons, including the Phantom Familiar . It is only fitting that this terrifying pet was announced at Minecraft Live, the same event where the first phantom was voted into Minecraft. We need to move on to the next segment before I start thinking about it swooping over me and I go hide under my bed…
我们还得到了高塔多人模式的第一手资料,并且瞄了一眼第三个季节冒险:动物盛会(Fauna Faire)!在 10 月 19 日,一大群新的技能、宠物、皮肤、表情,和免费内容将进入 Minecraft:地下城,包括驯化幻翼(Phantom Familiar)。这个恐怖的生物在 Minecraft Live 公布真是再合适不过,和幻翼被投票加入 Minecraft 正是一个活动。在我开始担心怎么在它呼啸着从我头顶上经过的时候躲到床底下之前,还是先看看下一个部分吧…
Minecraft Marketplace
A bunch of exciting DLC titles are coming to Minecraft Marketplace! The caped crusader is taking a break from his usual haunts (sorry not sorry, Gotham!) to save the Overworld in the Batman DLC brought to you by DC and Noxcrew. As you explore iconic locations like the Batcave, Wayne Tower, and the Monarch Theater, you will face off against the Penguin, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn, to name but a few villains itching for a fight. Every hero needs help, so you’re going to have to swoop in and possibly even outshine the Dark Knight in your free character creator set!
几个有趣的新 DLC 将进入 Minecraft Marketplace!披风战士们要从日常活动中解放一会(抱歉了,哥谭!)来拯救由 DC 和 Noxcrew 带来的蝙蝠侠 DLC 中的主世界。在你探索诸如蝙蝠洞、韦恩大厦,和 Monarch Theater 等经典场景的同时,你同样需要对抗 Penguin,Poison Ivy,和 Harley Quinn,仅举几例,他们都迫不及待地渴望与你一战。每位英雄都需要帮助,所以你必须马上去看看免费的角色创建器捆绑包,试试超越黑暗骑士!
When you’re not brooding and batting through the sky, you can bundle up for the Frozen Planet II DLC! This five-part adventure from the Minecraft: Education Edition team in collaboration with BBC Earth will launch in tandem with the much-anticipated BBC series of the same name. You can play as creatures such as a walrus, polar bear, eagle, and more, as you make your way through frozen biomes and across snow-covered peaks.
不在黑夜中翱翔,为人们深谋远虑时,你也可以来试试冰冻星球2 DLC!Minecraft:教育版团队与 BBC Earth 合作带来的的五段冒险将与 BBC 备受期待的同名系列节目同时推出。你可以扮演海象、北极熊,老鹰等生物,穿越冻结的生物群系和白雪皑皑的山峰。
All five of the Frozen Planet maps and the Batman DLC will be released on October 18!
冰冻星球的五张地图和蝙蝠侠 DLC 将于 10 月 18 日发布!
Minecraft 创作者工具
A wise, bespectacled man once mused that even though we could do something, does that mean we should? I don’t remember how that turned out, so I am assuming everything turned out well and no dinosaurs went on any rampages. And speaking of amazing creatures, now you can make your very own ones with the Minecraft Entity Wizard in Blockbench!
一位戴着眼睛的智者曾经思考过,有些事能做,但应不应该做?我忘了结论如何,所以我就假设一切照旧,没有恐龙出来胡闹。说到神奇的生物,现在你可以使用 Blockbench 中的 Minecraft 实体创建器制作你自己的生物了!
All you need to do is dream up a mob, any mob. Even one that isn’t so much from a dream than it is a nightmare. Then, build it! Or if you want to leave it all to chance, you can recklessly randomize one. You can end up just about anything, including a mash-up of a dolphin that thinks it’s a phantom, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
This year, the sniffer, the tuff golem, and the rascal faced off in a real nail-biter of a race! The mob vote moved to the Minecraft Launcher, Minecraft.net, and a special Bedrock Edition carnival server. Over 3.5 million votes were cast, thank you all for joining in and making this impossible choice for us!
今年,嗅探兽,凝灰岩傀儡,和淘气鬼在赛道上相遇了!生物投票转移到了 Minecraft 启动器、Minecraft.net,和一个特殊的基岩版节日服务器。超过三百五十万位玩家参与了投票,感谢你们的参与,为我们做出了这个艰难的选择!
The community has spoken and your winner is –
社区今年决定的赢家是 –
The extinct mob adorably known as the sniffer will join Minecraft after receiving just over half the vote! Explore underwater ruins to find its eggs hidden away in chests, bring them up to the surface, and hatch your very own baby sniffer. When the sniffer grows up, it will help you find ancient seeds that you can grow into different decorative plants. Since the sniffer was once extinct, you are able help it thrive in the Overworld both by hatching its eggs and through breeding. And once more, the sniff-balance has been restored with your new victor’s cuteness countering the warden’s terrifying tell-tale sniff!
这个一般被称为嗅探兽的灭绝物种在获得超过半数的选票后加入了 Minecraft!探索水下遗迹,找到藏在箱子里的嗅探兽蛋,带到地表,孵化你自己的嗅探兽宝宝。嗅探兽长大之后,它会为你找到远古种子,你可以种出不同的装饰性植物。因为嗅探兽是灭绝物种,你可以通过孵化它们的蛋或者繁殖它们来帮助这个物种复兴。还有一件事,新赢家可爱的嗅探动作和监守者可怕的寻人手段达成了某种嗅觉上的平衡!
That brings us to the end of this year’s Minecraft Live, and you may be asking yourself how I am able to deliver such moving and award-worthy reporting each year? Since you’ve been such a captive audience, I will tell you – I have the best seat in the house. Around a month before the show starts, I position myself at the top of the rafters so I can observe the action like a predatory bird. You just pick up so much more subtext when you can only see the top of everyone’s head. I’ll leave the entire show right here so you can watch it with this in mind.
这就是今年 Minecraft Live 的结尾了,你可能会想问,我是怎么每年都能带来这么感动人心、值得嘉奖的报告的?既然你是一位被抓来的观众,我会告诉你 – 我有房子里最好的座位。节目开始前大概一个月,我会爬上房椽,像一只掠食性鸟类一样观察动作。如果只能看见每个人的头顶,你会能更好地理解字面背后的意思。我把整个节目的录播放在这里,这样你就可以带着这种方法再把它看一遍。
Thank you for tuning in to Minecraft Live 2022, and congratulations for also reading about it! As a reward for your dedication, you can help me get down from these rafters. Wait. Where are you going? This isn’t a bit!
感谢收看 Minecraft Live 2022,同样感谢你阅读了这篇文章!作为对你支持的奖励,你可以帮我从房椽上下来。等等,你要去哪?这可不是开玩笑!