我的世界Java版 1.17-pre2 发布 修复了各种bug

It’s Monday and it’s time for another pre-release! This one fixed a few bugs and crashes.

In case you missed our recent news, we just announced that we’re releasing Caves & Cliffs Part I on June 8th. That’s soon!
以防你错过了我们最近的公告,洞穴与山崖第一部分更新将于 6 月 8 日发布。很快啊!

The Caves & Cliffs Preview

Download the updated datapack .
下载 更新过的数据包

Fixed bugs in 1.17 Pre-release 2
1.17 Pre-release 2 修复的漏洞

SPX 大数据区块链深度学习人工智能响应式自动翻译™ 由以下志愿者提供支持:SPGodingLxazl5770lakejason0

  • MC-68129 – Smooth lighting doesn’t work properly underwater
  • MC-68129 – 下的平滑光照没有正确工作
  • MC-196298 – Arrows fired into the side of bamboo or pointed dripstone never despawn
  • MC-196298 – 发射到竹子或滴水石锥侧面的箭不会消失
  • MC-205840 – Smooth lighting behaves oddly on blocks covered with tinted glass
  • MC-205840 – 开启平滑光照后被遮光玻璃遮挡的方块的光照显示错误
  • MC-213767 – Flowering azalea leaves ID is unintuitive
  • MC-213767 – 盛开的杜鹃树叶的 ID 与其名称不一致
  • MC-220698 – The ExplosionPower of ghast fireballs is uncapped, causing a freeze / crash
  • MC-220698 – 恶魂火球的 ExplosionPower 大小没有限制,可能导致游戏卡顿或崩溃
  • MC-223602 – Glowing translucent entities often don’t merge their outlines with other glowing entities
  • MC-223602 – 透明实体的发光轮廓不会融入其他发光实体的轮廓
  • MC-225190 – Tnt can be pushed with enchanted sword with knockback
  • MC-225190 – TNT能被附上击退魔咒的剑推动
  • MC-225911 – Slimes and Magma Cubes not interacting with player
  • MC-225911 – 史莱姆和岩浆怪不会和玩家互动
  • MC-226470 – Nether Fossils generate on the nether roof above bedrock in soul sand valleys
  • MC-226470 – 下界化石生成于灵魂沙峡谷的基岩天板上
  • MC-226561 – Facing away from signs with glowing text makes the text disappear or z-fight
  • MC-226561 – 不直视告示牌上的荧光文字会导致其消失或出现深度冲突
  • MC-226576 – Unknown CPU on Debug menu.
  • MC-226576 – 调试屏幕中 CPU 显示为 Unknown(未知)
  • MC-226782 – /debug start does not work as described
  • MC-226782 – 命令 /debug start 描述有误

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